Protocols for Fleming Arena, News, Local League Hockey (West Niagara Minor Hockey)

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Oct 05, 2020 | Jim Borsodi | 1428 views
Protocols for Fleming Arena
The health and safety of our customers and employees is our number one priority. When the facility opens, we will be operating under a number of strict safety precautions, and with limited services.

The following protocols have been developed to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among our customer and employees. We have been working closely with the Niagara Region Public Health Department to implement best practices for physical distancing to ensure the safety of everyone in our facility.

Upon Arrival

• Entry must not occur any earlier than 15 minutes before rental time
• All participants will be required to enter from the south side entrance by the main
parking lot.
• All players must be fully dressed before entering the facility, except for skates.
• All persons entering the Fleming Centre must wear a face covering as required
under the Niagara Region by-law no. 2020 - 46.
• Organizers of the ice rentals will be required to keep attendance and pre-screen
all participants and spectators in advance of each rental time.
• Spectators will be screened at the front entrance by a Facility Host.
• After entering building, follow all directional signs to the dressing rooms or ice

Dressing Rooms

• All persons in the dressing rooms must wear a face covering as required under
the Niagara Region by-law no. 2020 - 46.
• Dressing rooms will be made available for storing equipment during the rental
time and putting on skates. Showers and changing will not be available at this
o Six main dressing rooms – 10 players max
o Girls dressing room – 2 players max
o Referee Rooms – 2 persons max
o Each rental will receive 3 dressing rooms or less depending on participant
numbers provided at time of booking.
o Goalies ONLY will be permitted to put pads and skates on in dressing
• Please vacate the dressing room 15 minutes after your rental.
• Please leave will all equipment on except for skates as dressing rooms are not
permitted for showering or changing.
• Please collect all of your belongings and discard any garbage in appropriate bins,
ensuring that nothing is left behind.
• Please be advised of the zero alcohol policy in the dressing rooms.
• Dressing rooms will be cleaned after each rental.

Spectator Area

• Spectators will be allowed in the facility – one spectator per player is advised.
• Spectators are encouraged to view the practice/game from the stands located on
the second floor.
• All persons in the spectator area must wear a face covering as required under
the Niagara Region by-law no. 2020 - 46.
• Please maintain physical distancing while seating in the stands at least 2 meters
(or 6 feet) away from other people whenever possible
• Spectators are not permitted to stand or loiter in the dressing rooms or hallway.
Please make your way to the spectator seating on the second floor.

Players Benches

• Extra players benches will be available, as to help ensure physical distancing on
the bench.
• Please bring your own water bottle to the bench arena. Sharing of water bottles
is not recommended.
• Please refrain from spitting in the bench area and on the ice surface.
• Players benches will be cleaned after each rental.
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